Guest Posts

This page is a genesis out of an idea that struck me during the Covid19 induced lockdown. Spending more time with family meant more conversations and more stories. Travel is in the blood, so why not give a platform to share some of these stories of travel with a larger audience, right? Here it is…

As of now, I have hosted only my family members on this webspace. Maybe, someday I will provide this platform to a few of you wonderful readers to be heard too.. 🙂 For now, don’t forget to shower your love by sharing your feedback and suggestions..

Guest 1: Lahar Ganapathi

This guy is my brother, my critic and partner on most of my travels. One fine day, he realized that he too had a knack for storytelling and voila! Here he is…

Story 1: ‘Le Freezer- A winter in Leh‘. This adventurous trip is the first longest and farthest journey we both undertook together, away from home.
Story 2: This is a two part story about that one compulsive- impulsive solo bike trip he undertook from home to attend a music festival. This is about his journey from ‘Silicon city to Magnetic fields

Guest 2: S.M.Nanjappa

He is my father, whose one chromosome runs in my genes and is partially responsible for the natural travel itch in me. The other chromosome is complemented by my mother’s, which completes the other half of the explorer maniac that runs in my blood.. I believe that both my parents are accomplished travellers of their era and have inspiring stories to tell. On my request, my dad decided to set his digital footprints with his stories on my blog.

Story 1: This is about his very first long distance travel outside his little village. This is about going to a big city, feeling lost and then getting conned, all on his very first travelling stint! Click here to read ‘My first City Beats‘.

Click on the image above to read my e-book for free

getting lost in traveling through places and time…