6 Best Things to Do in Kashmir tour in 2024

The ‘Heaven on Earth” region of Kashmir with the onset of 2024 offers a bucket list of experiences that captivates the soul. This exquisite destination is immersed in hues of emerald-green valleys and azure-blue lakes that are intertwined to weave a timeless tale of its beauty.

The well-curated Kashmir tours invites you to unfurl these layers of beauty in this paradise. With so many options to explore, it becomes difficult to decide from where to begin your journey. Ideally, consider a peaceful shikara ride on the calm waters of the Dal Lake or visit the pilgrimage sites and religious places of worship.

Seek Blessings at Shankaracharya Temple in Srinagar

The magic unfolds if you take up any of the Srinagar tours and visit the Shankaracharya Temple. It is the oldest temple in the valley and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Many believe that the great saint Adi Shankaracharya meditated here and attained spiritual enlightenment.

Perched atop a hill it offers a mesmerising bird’s eye view of Srinagar and is also known as the Jyeshteshwara temple. The temple dates back to the 9th century and features a fusion of Persian and Indian styles of architecture, with minute detailing and inscriptions embellishing the structure.

The temple holds a special historical and religious importance as it attracts devotees and visitors alike for its tranquil atmosphere, architectural grandeur, and the aura that transcends the surroundings. Pilgrims ascend a fleet of two hundred and fifty stairs, and along the way experience a spiritual vacation.

Golfing in Gulmarg Golf Club

Gulmarg is located around fifty-two km from Srinagar and houses the highest golf course in the world. This prime golf course was opened in 1911 by the British and designed by Colonel Neville Chamberlain. Located amidst the pristine beauty of the Himalayan mountain, it is encompassed by verdant meadows and snow-covered peaks.

This eighteen-hole course blends natural beauty and pits it against a challenging layout, making it a golfer’s delight. As you play at an elevation of 2,600 m, golfers can enjoy the fresh mountain air against a backdrop of tall pine trees. It has been a favourite hub for golf fanatics looking for a unique and stunning experience.

In summer it provides a lush green landscape, while the winters transform the course into a winter wonderland. Making it a year-round golfing destination that is beyond the ordinary. Whether seasoned or novice golfer, a game of golf in Gulmarg is a charming experience to be cherished for a lifetime.

Trekking in Kashmir

Kashmir, regarded as “Paradise on Earth” houses several treks through its alpine meadows and lakes making it a favourite destination for trekkers. The Great Lakes Trek is the most renowned in Kashmir. It leads the wanderers through alpine lakes enveloped by snow-covered peaks, while the Tarsar Marsar unfolds meadows adorned with untamed blooms.

Explore scenic trails from  Gulmarg to the iconic Amarnath Yatra route, and immerse yourself in the pristine beauty that Kashmir’s trekking trails have to offer. The mountain breeze, the music orchestrated by the gushing streams, and the panoramic views stir the adventure soul of the trekkers leaving a heart full of happiness.

Pony Ride Excursions in Pahalgam

Pony ride excursions in Kashmir present a unique and delightful way to come up close and personal with the scenic beauty of the region. The gentle stride of the ponies adds an element of charm as the riders travel across meandering trails, verdant valleys, and remote villages.

The pony rides in Pahalgam take the visitors to places of interest like Betaab Valley and Aru Valley. It is an enchanting experience as the riders are greeted with lush meadows and gurgling rivers. Pony rides traverse through narrow lanes and guide you toward remote areas and hidden gems that are not easily accessible.

Pony rides are also available in Sonmarg where they tread through alpine forests and meadows heading towards captivating viewpoints like Thajiwas Glacier. You can also enjoy pony rides in Srinagar around the Dal Lake offering a glimpse into the city’s alluring surroundings.

Go wild with  Wildlife Tours

The dense forests and snow capped mountains house some of the most amazing and rare species of flora and fauna. Protected amidst the boundaries of more than seven wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, wildlife enthusiasts can explore places such as Dachigam National Park, Hemis National Park, and Kishtwar National Park.

Snow leopards, musk deer, brown bears, black Himalayan bears, griffon vultures, and Monal pheasants are some of the rare animals found in the area. Visitors can also visit birds in one of the twenty-four wetlands as they are home to more than five hundred species of birds.

Shop for Kashmiri Exclusives

Kashmir is a paradise for shopaholics as you can buy souvenirs that blend tradition and craftsmanship. Nobody can deny the warmth of Pashmina and Shahtoosh shawls which have won the hearts of many. The lively and bustling markets are known for hand woven carpets and beautifully crafted paper-mache items.

Other exclusive items included are walnut wood carvings, spices like Kashmiri red chilies and saffron to special green tea leaves. Floating markets on Dal Lake are known for unique shopping experiences as vendors sell fresh produce and handicrafts from their jam-packed boats.

Saffron flowers in Kashmir
Saffron flowers in Kashmir

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